Thursday 19 May 2011

Case Study | History

It was an American origin firm, Union Carbide which had its plant of production of fertilizers in the city of Bhopal. It  completely made the place a hell. The founder of  the company, Warren Anderson  who did this blunder. He got the leakage news of the gas from the tank, but he neglected it. Then on the night of disaster he was blamed by the local people and an FIR was filed against him. He was arrested and taken to a police quarter or rather say mansion. So afterwards he was given a pilot who flew him Delhi. With the first flight he was escorted to his native country. It is said that the message to take him  was given by the contemporary Prime Minister, late Rajiv Gandhi but the voice was of superior officials!!!!   

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy | Case Study

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy has been world's one of the biggest human induced disasters in the modern history. This disaster has been due to reckless behavior that every human has. The leakage of the gas (methyl isocyanate) was known to the workers and laborers. This information was given to the officers and other officials. But they neglected it. Then there was the suffering of people. The 610 tank leaked completely in the midnight of 2-3rd December. In those few hours around 21,000 people died.............................